Paris Brest Paris- a 1200km cycling tour in only 90 hrs- listen the stories from your own buddies from Bangalore

In a world where routines often dictate our lives, it’s easy to lose sight of the adventures that await beyond our comfort zones. The Paris Cycling Brevet Paris, affectionately known as PBP, is one such adventure that beckons those who dare to push their boundaries, regardless of age. This blog post is dedicated to those aged 45 and above who seek stable lives while nurturing their families but also yearn for thrilling escapades like PBP.

Joining the Bangalore Brevet Group:

Embarking on a journey like PBP requires more than just a bicycle; it demands a community of like-minded individuals who understand the nuances of international cycling events. The Bangalore Brevet Group is a haven for such adventurers, boasting a wealth of experience and camaraderie that can guide you through the challenges of PBP.

Managing Life Outside the Saddle:

PBP isn’t just about pedaling; it’s an all-encompassing experience that tests your mettle in unexpected ways. You must master the art of sleep management, food planning, and address specific health challenges, like stomach issues and gastric troubles. However, rest assured that local support is abundant, even beyond the official control centers, with kind locals often stepping in to offer nourishment and assistance.

Financial Considerations:

While PBP is undoubtedly an adventure of a lifetime, it does come with its share of expenses. A substantial investment of approximately 1.5 lakhs might seem daunting at first, but when you’re part of a group like the Bangalore Brevet, you’ll find that costs are significantly reduced. For instance, a 44,000-rupee room rent can drop down to just 30,000 rupees, thanks to group arrangements.

The Importance of Preparation:

To truly enjoy the PBP event, diligent preparation is paramount. Your training regimen should not only make the event manageable but also allow you to savor every ride. Beyond the cycling, PBP offers an incredible opportunity to meet people from diverse cultures and forge lasting friendships with fellow cyclists. With over 7,000 disciplined cyclists in attendance, the experience goes beyond mere words.

Execution Is Key:

In the world of endurance cycling, execution is everything. Precise sleep management is vital, as exhaustion can quickly diminish your performance. Staying disciplined with your riding schedule, nutrition, and rest is crucial to achieving your goals.

Interview Insights:

For those considering PBP or similar adventures, it’s essential to remember that concise communication is key. People tend to lose track if interviews or conversations extend beyond 20 seconds per question. Practice being succinct while sharing your experiences and stories to make a lasting impact.


Age is just a number, and the Paris Cycling Brevet Paris proves that adventure knows no bounds. With the right preparation, support, and mindset, anyone can embark on this incredible journey. The Bangalore Brevet Group is a shining example of how a supportive community can make the seemingly impossible not only achievable but also immensely enjoyable. So, if you’ve ever dreamt of conquering PBP, take that first pedal stroke towards your adventure of a lifetime.

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